Monday, 7 October 2013

Day 7: Do you do something to honor your angel? If so what?

I honour Melinda and Jonathon by not giving up
I honour them by sharing their stories here on my blog and in my daily life
I honour them by playing with Eli and being the best mum I know how to be

Just like every other angel mum I know, I honour them by remembering them, by defending their memory from people who would have me be silent (or at least a little less loud). 

I honour the gifts they a have given me by appreciating them...

Since becoming an angel mum I have discovered that I am never alone, there is always someone who is willing to listen, to help, to talk- I honour this gift by involving myself in my support groups anf networks, by asking for help when I'm struggling and being open about my grief.

Since becoming an angel mum I have discovered that I live in a community that rallies around its members, offers practical support and emotional encouragement. I honour this gift by setting down roots here. We have bought a house not far from where we are living now and we are planning to remain here for quite some time. (Apologies to anyone who is surprised by this news, I'm sure you will understand why we have made this decision) 

Since becoming an angel mum I have discovered a deeper and more personal relationship with Christ. I have discovered that He hears me in my time of grief, he provides peace and comfort in response to prayer and he lends me his strength when I have none of my own. I honour this gift by involving myself in the worship team at church, by sharing my testimony (when appropriate- don't worry I'm not into bible bashing) and by leaning into his strength. 

Since becoming an angel mum I have discovered that I have a purpose, that all of the events in my life have moulded me into someone with a unique set of skills and experiences. I honour this gift by persuing my purpose. I have come to a deeper understanding that you only get one chance at life, and I'm not going to let fear and uncertainty hold me back from achieving my dreams. 

My children have given me so many gifts, more numerous to mention. I will honour them. 

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